Sunday, November 30, 2008

In an effort to better my technique and brighten my idealistic future I have spent many late nights recording and mixing for my close friends and bandmates. For the select few of my readers who are familiar with the recording process they know that it can be quite draining. But why do I, and these select few, do it? We do it to get the music that we love heard. No matter how much work it is and no matter how many hours it drains from my life I still feel obligated to get each song done. In the long run I consider it fulfilling; after all, it is brightening my idealistic future.
But on a slightly bitter note, I would like to point the irony of my previous paragraph. I say that recording is brightening my future but here I am at quarter to eleven on a Sunday night racing to finish my homework for school that starts too early tomorrow morning. If you call me a procrastinator I will not be insulted. My only reaction may be an overly dramatic look of self loathing on my face.